China Tour – Part 2

After the performances in Guangzhou, I went to the next stop on my China tour, Hangzhou. The location for these performances was a small theatre owned by my friend, Simon. At that location, I presented 3 shows and 1 lecture.

And there’s the egg.

Lectures for Magic Clubs

A magic lecture on the China tour is usually 2 hours long. I presented tricks, ideas and theoies to magicians from that city. Afterwards, I sold my tricks and lecture notes. The notes I created had been translated into Mandarin by two translators, Peter and Chenny. They did an outstanding job of translating my notes. They also did all the graphic design and printing. The notes will be a wonderful reminder of the tour.

China Tour – Shanghai

The next city was Shanghai. I went there on a high-speed train. The train system in China is modern and efficient. The top speed of the train was 308 km/hr. It was an incredibly smooth ride. My translator set a water bottle upside down on the window sill and it didn’t mover or tip over for the entire journey of a couple of hours.

This water bottle didn’t budge.

Shanghai is the financial capital of China and from my hotel, I was very close to the financial district. As with all the cities I visited, the architecture of the skyscrapers was impressive. Some of the buildings are lit up at night time with integrated lighting on the exterior of the buildings.

Overcast day in Shanghai

Chris Pilsworth – Big Star!

The shows in Shanghai were in a magic theatre that was located in a shopping mall. In the atrium of the mall was a two story high LED sign. My photo was displayed there to promote the shows. I’ve never seen my image so big in lights! In China, I felt like a big star. I was also treated like a big star. After all of the shows, I would sign autographs and have my photo taken with new fans. It was exciting and humbling. I’m very grateful for the gifts that magic has given me and the tour certainly reminded me of the charmed life I’ve lived.

When you’re a star, you sign the autographs.