Ottawa Birthday Party Magician

Ottawa Birthday Party Magician

As an Ottawa Birthday Party Magician, parents contact me to make the birthday child’s celebration extra-special. My first shows, were children’s parties. They were a great training ground for a 12-year old magician. As children haven’t developed the best social skills, they let a performer know that they know how a trick is done or that they are bored. That’s why a magician that wants to stay in the game learns quickly how to be a better performer.

Ottawa Birthday Party Magician, Chris Pilsworth's audience sits enraptured!
Children sit enraptured at a birthday party show presented by Chris Pilsworth

What to Present at a Birthday Party?

Books that I borrowed from the library ended up being my source of new tricks for the show. I learned how to make some of the easier ones myself and for the more complicated procedures, I enlisted the help of my parents. My mom could always be called upon to do some special sewing. Secret scarves, costumes and theatrical curtains were all part of her repertoire. My dad was the king in the workshop. Together, meaning he, would build some custom wood props. One such prop was a box from which dozens of Chinese lanterns would appear. That was a good trick.

First Show for a Birthday Party

My very first show was for my friend’s younger sister’s birthday party. It was held in their unfinished basement. Who says showbiz isn’t glamourous? I was really nervous because there is a big difference between practicing in front of a mirror and performing for real people. I’m happy to say that the show went well. I think the pay was $5.00 and some birthday cake.

Ottawa Birthday Party Magician, Chris Pilsworth in his earlier days.
When I was younger, One client painted a poster for their child’s birthday party. It made for an amazing backdrop!

What do Kids Like at a Birthday Party?

Kids love to laugh and be surprised and sometime they like to feel that they’re smarter than the magician. Those are always good moments to include in a show. When I was only doing birthday parties, I would make a rabbit appear out of a hat. Even though I no longer perform with a rabbit, I had two during my career. At the end of the birthday party the children had a chance to pet the rabbit who sat quietly and comfortably in a hat. It was a nice treat for the rabbit to receiver their affection.

Amazing Ottawa magician, Chris Pilsworth
This is what a jaw dropping looks like!

Ottawa Birthday Party Magician Schedule

I enjoy performing birthday parties in Ottawa. They represent about a quarter of the shows that I present each year. Many are for children, however, there are also quite a few for adults who want to add a splash to their party. Most of the parties happen on the weekends and there is only so much time in the day, so the parents who are able to book me, usually contact me a month or so in advance. Quite often, I hear, that they wanted to book me because all their friends mentioned my name or they had a look at the hundreds of Google reviews.

The Future for This Birthday Party Magician

I will always include performing birthday parties in my schedule. I love the energy of children 5 and up. They are enthusiastic, inquisitive, love to laugh and be amazed. That is something that I’ll never get tired of experiencing!