Ottawa Magic Show Magician Tales from the road

My Stories…

Sharing Magic

Beginning to learn how to be a magician, is like learning any new skill; it takes patience, dedication and passion. When I started, the library was my first source of knowledge. I’m so happy other magicians wrote books about sharing magic. Most of the magic books in the library were geared towards the general public.…

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2024, A Magical Year

Since starting to perform full-time, I’ve discovered that each year is made up of goals that I set in January and serendipitous events. 2024, a magical year, was no different and was full of some amazing performances and locations. The Beginning of A Magical Year January and February are always a bit slow after the…

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Ottawa Birthday Party Magician

Ottawa Birthday Party Magician As an Ottawa Birthday Party Magician, parents contact me to make the birthday child’s celebration extra-special. My first shows, were children’s parties. They were a great training ground for a 12-year old magician. As children haven’t developed the best social skills, they let a performer know that they know how a…

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Magic Mentors

My Magic Mentors Throughout my magic career, I’ve had many magic mentors that have provided timely guidance. A few years after I started, I got in touch with John Milks, a local magician, who was performing shows in my city. He allowed me to tag along to some of his shows where I began to…

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Cruise Ship Magician

River Cruise Ship Magician When you think of a cruise ship magician, large cruise ships in the Caribbean come to mind. Since 2014, I’ve been the resident magician aboard the Canadian Empress. It’s home base is Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Each season, from mid-May to mid-October, they have tours that last from 4 to 7 days…

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Ottawa Holiday Parties

Ottawa Holiday Parties in December Ottawa holiday parties make December, for entertainers, a busy time of year. Usually, corporate parties happen on Friday and Saturday nights prior to Christmas. Family parties happen during the day on Saturday and Sunday. Pricing during those time is generally higher than mid-week as there are typically on three weekends…

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